
Mary Queen's Mission Hospital,



Emergency 24*7




“Life in Fullness”

Our divine journey of this healing ministrybegan 65 years ago in 1957, as a charitable institution. MQMH is the living expression of the apostolic concern and social responsibility of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), the first indigenous congregationin the Catholic Church of India.The hospital, as the premier project of Mary Queen’s Mission Hospital Trust, a registered charitable organization, is owned and managed by the CMI St. Joseph’s Province, Kottayam. Jesus who imparted solace and relief to the sick and suffering is guiding us to offer helping hands through our health care services. Indeed, we strongly believe that quality care is not a privilege, but the prerogative of all and we envision to create a transparent patient centric care that prioritize patient’s safety and dignity. Our Medical, Administrative and Support staff are determined to work tirelessly to bring comprehensive quality medical care to all, ensuring world class service. 

For us, your life matters.




      1. Right to receive treatment irrespective of age, gender, religion, caste, cultural preferences.
      2. Right to receive respect towards values, believes , special preferences, cultural and spiritual needs.
      3. Right to refuse treatment.
      4. Right to obtain second opinion if felt necessary.
      5. Right to privacy & personal dignity during examination, procedures and treatment.
      6. Right to raise complaint and information access on how to raise a complaint.
      7. Right to protection from physical abuse & neglect.
      8. Right to confidentiality of patient information.
      9. Right to provide informed consent to enable the patient & family to make informed decisions about the care & treatment.
      10. Right to receive access to his /her clinical record.
      11. Right to know the expected cost of treatment.
      12. Right to information on the name of treating doctor, care plan, progress and information on the healthcare needs.
      13. Right to determine what information regarding the care can be communicated to self and the family.



  1. Provide complete and accurate information about his / her health condition and disclose full medical history.
  2. Be punctual for appointments.
  3. Ask questions to the doctor and clarify doubts regarding diagnosis or treatment and participate in decision making regarding treatment and care.
  4. Abide by all hospital rules and regulations.
  5. Comply with the no smoking policy within the hospital  premises.
  6. Comply with the visitor’s policy and be considerate of other patient’s well -being and safety.
  7. Treat hospital staff, other patient and visitors with respect and courtesy.
  8. Pay for services billed for in a timely manner as per the hospital policy.
  9. Follow prescribed treatment plan and carefully comply with the instructions given.
  10. Careful handling of hospital furniture and equipment.
  11. Maintain good habits and routines that contribute to good health.


To serve the humanity offering affordable, quality medical services with utmost compassion and excellence, following the footsteps of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, our founder


We envision to evolve as a unique centre of service excellence in the healthcare, upholding humane values.


We Care, God Cures.


  • Honesty – Being fair and transparent in every aspect of patient care by meeting all the standards of conduct.
  • Passion – To go above and beyond, to think out of the box andto take ownership of all the activities.
  • Companionship – Taking care of all the people with utmost respect, valuing their contributions and empowering each individual to rise their fullest potential.
  • Excellence – Create newer benchmark periodically, to challenge the current set of practices.
  • Altruism – A selfless concern towards the wellbeing of others.
  • Unity –Creating the power of synergy through teamwork for advanced results.








St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Mary Queens Mission Hospital was born out of the social vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871), an educationalist and a social reformer of the nineteenth century from South India. In his childhood, Kuriakose attended the village school where he studied language and elementary sciences. He entered the seminary in 1818 and was ordained a priest in 1829. St. Chavara founded the first indigenous Catholic religious congregation of India, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), in 1831 with a vision to serve the marginalized and underprivileged. Today we have more than 2000 priests serving in different parts of the world. He was canonized on 23 November 2014 in Rome by Pope Francis. The CMI congregation inspired by the vision of St Chavara, renders its service to all sectors in the society including education, social, health care and other sectors aiming at the integral development of the society. As a centre of modern medicine, Mary Queens Mission Hospital is different. Thousands and thousands of patients and their dear and near ones experience this difference for the last fifty years. Mary Queens is different because here we are giving personalized care